Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right:
· To be treated as an individual in a friendly and helpful manner.
· To have your privacy and dignity respected.
· To be given a clear explanation of your care and treatment.
· To have information on services offered by the practice available in this leaflet.
· To be offered a routine appointment with a health care professional within 24 hours and with a doctor within 48 hours.  You may have to wait longer for a doctor of your choice.
· To have repeat prescriptions available within 48 hours of being ordered.
· To be informed on how long you can expect to wait for your test results.
· To have the Practice Manager, Mrs Belinda Brewer, deal confidentially and promptly with any complaint, comment or suggestion you may have.
· To expect a high standard of hygiene to be maintained on these premises at all times.
You have a responsibility:
· To keep appointments with the practice and any other health care facility and to let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.
· To take responsibility for your own health by eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise etc.,
· To telephone before 10.30am if a home visit is essential, except in an emergency.
· To request night visits only in a genuine emergency.
· To supervise your children while on the premises.
· To treat the doctors, nurses and staff with courtesy.